Why WordPress
WordPress is not your website, it is a powerful tool for developing, growing and maintaining your website and blog content. Let us help design a WordPress website for your business.
Website Content is the text and images which make up each website page or blog post.
WordPress (WP) is a set of tools for building and maintaining your website, posting blogs, integrating social media and connecting with “plugins” which provide expanded features.
The WP tools (Dashboard, themes, templates, plugins, blocks and widgets) expand your website capabilities, enhance its design and make the development and maintenance more efficient because of the flexible structure.

What is WordPress
It is a widely used CMS for websites and blogs (as of surveys in 2014 and 2015, View Report):
- 74.6 million websites are based on WordPress.
- 48% of all blogs are based on WordPress.
- 24% of all websites are based on WordPress
- 37,868 Plugins are available.
- 19,000 Plugins are free (donations accepted).
- 2,500 Themes of which 800 are Responsive (automatically adapt the display to mobile devices).
- Most popular CMS for business websites.
WordPress is structured with these major components:
- DashBoard for complete website management, by us, you and selected employees. This is accessed with a browser.
- Themes and sub-themes for structuring the website’s display and format.
- Templates for setting the layout of individual pages.
- Plugins which add features and functionality such as ecommerce, galleries, maps, forms and event calendars.
- Widgets which also provide additional features and functions.
- Open Source access to customize all content and functions with additional programming.

Benefits of WordPress
Some of the major benefits of using WordPress::
- Your site will automatically display well on mobile devices.
- Easy integration with social media sites, such as a Facebook feed on a page and share buttons.
- Higher rankings with search engines. This is well documented.
- Numerous plugin and widget options. See the examples in the next column.
- Integration with and sharing of your blog.
- Easier content management by both developers and owners.
- Ease of using drop down menus and moving pages around on your site.
- Automatic generation of a site map.
- Ease of adding Google Analytics to your site to monitor activity.
- Ease of setting up ecommerce pages.
- Ease of adding a footer area with important content.
- Multiple users may be defined with several levels of permission for managing the website and contributing to content and blogs. This provides you with complete control over your website.

Plugin Options
A Few Examples of WordPress plugins and widgets:
- Google analytics support.
- Yoast SEO.
- Event Calendar management and display.
- Slide shows of various capabilities.
- Photo and image galleries.
- Appointment Scheduling.
- Catalog displays with some integrated with ecommerce.
- Ecommerce solutions from WordPress and other developers.
- Freight rate calculators which integrate with ecommerce plugins.
- Poll and Survey management and reporting.
- Email Contact forms with check boxes for areas of interest.
- Google maps
- Forms management and reporting
- Email marketing integration.
- Online Magazines.
- Restaurant services, including on-line reservations such as Open Table.

The Gutenberg Editor
The new Gutenberg Block Editor for WordPress offers an easy, flexible way to edit, display, repeat and move content around on your website. There are hundreds of various blocks available for use and more being developed daily. We have tested approximately 150 different blocks including:
Many of these are tested and demonstrated on our demo site Paldomdemo
- Headings and paragraphs
- Galleries and image displays of various layouts
- Containers
- Column layouts
- Call to action boxes
- Contact forms
- Content spacers and separators
- Maps
- Ecommerce product displays
- Social media integrations
- Buttons
- Content embedding
- Audio and video content